And I thought they were only looking out for their own interests (or maybe they misintepreted what those interests were):
Per ABC News:
With the administration and Congressional leaders saying they'll take up the issue again, 51 percent are confident the government's efforts ultimately will prevent the country's financial situation from getting worse. But nearly as many, 47 percent, lack that confidence. And a mere 6 percent are "very" confident of success.
Nonetheless, as noted, voters divide on the plan itself ¬– using up to $700 billion to shore up failing financial institutions – with 45 percent in favor, 47 percent opposed. (Contrary to the vote pattern in Congress, support is higher among Republicans, 55 percent, than Democrats, 42 percent.) Registered voters narrowly, by a 6-point margin, think the plan would have done too much to help financial institutions that got into trouble, and by much broader margins think it would have done too little to help the economy, and especially, to assist ordinary Americans.

Eighty-eight percent in this ABC News/Washington Post poll, conducted Monday night, say they're concerned the action in Congress could worsen an economic downturn; 51 percent are "very" concerned about it.Source: NY Times