Now it's time for some REAL economic analysis... will the Dark Knight pass Titanic as the top grossing movie of all time (in absolute terms). While I understand the economics of film have changed since Titanic (much higher grossing in the first few weeks / rush to DVD), but Dark Knight's unbelievable start had me thinking Titanic was toast. Apparently that's not a sure thing...
At this point, it appears that The Dark Knight, the latest film in the Batman franchise, will not be able to sink the Titanic. The Dark Knight film is beginning to close in on the 1977 hit Star Wars, and is fully expected to become the No. 2 movie of all-time. As of right now though, experts feel that The Dark Knight will not be able to actually sink the great Titanic. The Titanic stands as the No. 1 movie of all time, grossing $601 million total. As of right now, it is expected that The Dark Knight will earn around $520 million before it is all said and done.

Source: eCanadaNow, Box Office Mojo
I know this is late, but it should be noted that Titanic was in theaters for 37 WEEKS before it hit $600 million. If they were to keep DK in theaters until the end of March, it probably would hit that number, too.