RTT News details:
It will be interesting to see how these indicators play out when stimulus (both fiscal and monetary) are removed from the system. We already get a sense in January's data with the money supply being a 0.29% drag month over month.While the Conference Board released a report on Thursday showing that its leading economic indicators index increased for the tenth consecutive month in January, the increase by the index was smaller than economists had been anticipating.
The report showed that the leading index increased by 0.3 percent in January following an upwardly revised 1.2 percent increase in December. The index had been expected to increase by 0.5 percent compared to the 1.1 percent growth originally reported for the previous month.

Source: Conference Board
Jake - have you got data access to the LEI? I don't but Northern Trust has been publishing charts for a while showing YoY LEI vs. GDP and those are very good. LEI per se has not held up well on a MtM basis but the YoY comps show them shining (and yes the subliminal Nicholson pun is intended).