Industrial production within Europe for the month of September was ugly (see here), but nothing compared to new orders made during the same month (which leads to future production). The Economic Times details:
Interesting to note that the core of Europe appears to be doing much worse than the periphery (a reader noted that the core is where "stuff" is made").Euro zone industrial new orders slumped in September, the EU said on Wednesday, the deepest fall since December 2008 and far worse than economists had forecast, in the latest sign that Europe may be heading for a recession.
Orders in the 17 countries sharing the euro tumbled 6.4 percent in the month compared to August, well below expectations of a 2.5 percent fall, with Germany and France registering sharp contractions, the EU's Statistics Office Eurostat said.
"The scale of the deterioration is surprising," said Clemente de Lucia, an economist at BNP Paribas. "We are entering some kind of contraction in the last quarter of this year that will continue in the first quarter of next year," he said.

Source: Eurostat
The core is where the stuff is made.