Friday, April 24, 2009

Just One of the Guys

Matt Stafford, a "pretty solid" college quarterback based solely on stats (yes, not all college stats are fluffed, so it is possible he is better than those stats) just signed a new contract IN DETROIT FOR 6 YEARS.... 72 MILLION F&CKIN' DOLLARS.

According to the AP:

Detroit desperately needs a quarterback to help turn around the NFL's first 0-16 team, which has had the worst eight-year stretch in the league since World War II, and is turning to Stafford after he was a starter in each of his three seasons at Georgia.

Looking at Matt's new salary compared to the median wage for a variety of industries in the Detroit Metropolitan area, it looks like he'll fit right into the Detroit community.

Ah... the Detroit Lions... one of the only teams (I'll throw Cincinatti and Cleveland in there) that make my J-E-T-S look good. From 0-16 to.... 2-14? At only 175x the salary of the Detroit team doctor, he is WELL worth the money!

But lets looks at the positives... maybe he can throw some of that cash GM or Chrysler's way.

Source: BLS


  1. Thats just an amazing post - can we compare his salary to the 'executives' in Detroit and see where he holds up?

  2. I just read a great anecdote in the Charlotte Observer about how UNC used to promote the fact that, in a particular year, geography majors graduated with the highest average starting salary of all majors. The catch, of course, was that Michael Jordan was a geography major.
