Thursday, March 18, 2010

CPI Shows Lack of Inflationary Pressure

Marketwatch reports:
U.S. consumer prices were unchanged on a seasonally adjusted basis in February, with falling energy prices offsetting increases in prices of cars, medical care and food, the Labor Department reported Thursday.

In the past year, the CPI has risen 2.1%. The core rate is up 1.3% in the past year, the smallest year-over-year increase in six years.
As can be seen below, the headline has been all transportation costs (i.e. price of gas) flowing through to the consumer.

Source: Federal Reserve / BLS


  1. i actually enjoy your own writing kind, very unique.
    don't give up and also keep posting considering it simply just that is worth to follow it.
    impatient to read far more of your own writing, enjoy your day :)

  2. I have always thought that inflation was woefully miss reported due to the housing bubble never filtering into rents and now the FED would LOVE to see some inflation but that rent component is gonna kill them on this. Any bets on how long they change the way that component is calculated?

    what do you think about LT as a Jet? I think he has plenty in the tank and with the NY line he will surprise quite a few people, including my falling behind Pats.

  3. Agreed. I used to regularly report the "CSPI" (Cash Shiller Price Index) swapping out the Owner's Equivalent Rent in the CPI with Case Shiller's Composite 10:

    I stopped showing this as I really don't buy the price levels reported because the price level is all due to subsidies (tax incentives, mortgage purchase program).

    As for LT... I'm into it. I don't expect HUGE things from him, but he should serve his purpose well as a goal line / receiving back. I want him to take too many carries away from Greene.

  4. Geez, delete a post just due to bad data? What are you, pricipled? LOL Yahoo Finance can be tough.

    Still, I take aim at a volume angle tonight regarding household stock ownership you may find interesting.

  5. No point in having extra misinformation floating around the WWW.

    Nice post... been trying to get my head around that one chart myself an can verify that those I know burned from the Internet Bubble are still basically sitting on the sidelines. The question is what will happen to all those also burned by the housing bubble?
