Friday, December 5, 2008

Job Creation: Last Two Presidencies

As John writes in the comments:
Economic cycles do not begin and end merely because a president (or prime minister or king or dictator or poobah) takes office. Correlation is not necessarily due to cause.
I agree that this may overstate things, but I do believe the correlation between Bush and job growth is negative and that value has significance.


  1. Economic cycles do not begin and end merely because a president (or prime minister or king or dictator or poobah) takes office. Correlation is not necessarily due to cause.

    (This is not to defend or attack the economic policies of either of the presidents mentioned in the post, but merely to suggest things are not that simple. For the record, I voted against the current occupant of the White House both times.)

  2. You need to change the X - Axis labels

    Clinton = Republican Congress
    Bush = Democrat Congress

  3. republicans were the majority of the congress from 1995-2001 and regained control from 2003-07. so, your labeling makes no sense.
