Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Unemployment Higher in EVERY Metro Area

NPR's Planet Money reports:
The jobless rate was higher this June than the year before in every American metropolitan area, says the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In a report released today, the BLS finds that 18 of those 372 mets have unemployment of at least 15 percent. Eight of those were in California and five in Michigan. Elkhart County, Ind., with its devastated RV industry, posted one of the biggest year-over-year increases -- a 10 percent jump to 16.8.
Here are those unlucky 18

Source: BLS


  1. Jake,

    In May, Spain's unemployment rate was 18.7%!


  2. Our broader unemployment rate is 16.5%

  3. Each employed person supports how many people? What I am after is if the unemployment figure is 9.5% what percent of the total population is then feeling the pain as a result? If U6 is 16.6%, percent of the population is feeling the pain directly?

  4. Due to the growth in technology, work can be done with less labours and this results in unemployment. But the situation has to be changed. Man should be given more importance than machines.
